Merkurtransit 2019
© 2016-2019

Literatur zum Thema Merkurtransit


Historische Artikel bis zum Merkurtransit 2016

Artikel zum Merkurtransit 2019


Friedrich, Susanne & Friedrich, Peter (2005): Finsternisse verstehen, beobachten und fotografieren. 79 S., Oculum-Verlag Ronald Stoyan, Erlangen. ISBN 3-938469-01-3.

Lomb, Nick (2012): Transit of Venus - 1631 to the Present. 240 S., Experiment, New York. ISBN 978-1-61519-055-3.

Maor, Eli (2000): June 8, 2004 - Venus in transit. 179 S., Princeton University Press, Princeton. ISBN 0-691-04874-6.

Maunder, Michael & Moore, Patrick (1999): Transit - When planets cross the sun. 164 S., Springer-Verlag, London - Berlin - Heidelberg. ISBN 1-85233-621-8.

Sheehan, William & Westfall, John (2004): The Transits of Venus. 407 S., Prometheus Books, Amherst, New York. ISBN 1-59102-175-8.

Wulf, Andrea (2012): Die Jagd auf die Venus und die Vermessung des Sonnensystems. 416 S., C. Bertelsmann, München. ISBN 978-3-570-10095-0.

Historische Artikel bis zum Merkurtransit 2016

Morsch, Jörg (2016): Merkurtransit extrascharf. Abenteuer Astronomie 4, 56-57.

Deiters, Stefan (2016): Gibt es gemeinsame Transite von Merkur und Venus? Abenteuer Astronomie 4, 13.

Gera, Hans-Dieter (2016): Der Merkurtransit am 9. Mai 2016. Sternzeit 2/2016, 79-81.

Schröder, Klaus-Peter (2016): Merkurtransit - Schwarzes Scheibchen vor der Sonne. Sterne und Weltraum 5/2016, 48-49.

Sigismondi, Costantino; Castiglioni, Francesco; Cicogna, Domenico & Cardoso, Felipe (2016): The opportunity of the 2016 transit of Mercury for measuring the solar diameter. Gerbertus 9, 83-86.

Spix, Lambert (2016): Götterbote vor der Sonne - Den Merkurtransit am 9. Mai sicher und einfach beobachten. Abenteuer Astronomie 2, 38-39.

Rothery, D. A.; Benkhoff, J.; Zender, J.; Gill, R.; Fleck, B. & Doressoundiram, A. (2015): The 9 May 2016 transit of Mercury - a great outreach opportunity in Europe. EPSC Abstracts Vol. 10, EPSC2015-108,.

Tobin, W. (2013): Transits of Venus and Mercury as muses. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage 16 (3), 224 - 249.

Marcelo Emilio; Jeff R. Kuhn; Rock I. Bush & Isabelle F. Scholl (2012): Measuring the Solar Radius from Space during the 2003 and 2006 Mercury Transits. arXiv:1203.4898.

Yoshikawa, Ichiro; Ono, Junya; Yoshioka, Kazuo; Murakami, Go; Ezawa, Fukuhiro; Kameda, Shingo & Ueno, Satoru (2008): Observation of Mercury's sodium exosphere during the transit on November 9, 2006. Planetary and Space Science 56 (13), 1676–1680.

Westfall, J.E. (2006): A convenient transit of Mercury - November 8-9, 2006. Journal of the Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers 48 (4), 11-16.

Glenn Schneider; Jay M Pasachoff & Leon Golub (2004): TRACE observations of the 15 November 1999 transit of Mercury and the Black Drop effect: considerations for the 2004 transit of Venus. Icarus 168 (2), 249–256.

Message, P.J. (2004): Transits of Venus and Mercury - Patterns of occurrence, and near-resonance phenomena. Transits of Venus: New Views of the Solar System and Galaxy Proceedings IAU Colloquium No. 196, 304-312.

Cudnik, B.M. (2004): Black drops and gray drops - multi-color CCD observations of the 1999 Mercury transit and application to the 2004 Venus event. Journal of the Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers 46 (1), 9-12.

Anonymus (2003a): Merkurdurchgang vor der Sonne am 7. Mai 2003. Sterne und Weltraum 2003 (7), 54.

Anonymus (2003b): The May 7th transit of Mercury. Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of South Africa, 62, 99-105.

Mattig, Wolfgang & Soltau, Dirk (2003): Merkur vor der Sonne. Sterne und Weltraum 2003 (4), 66-68.

Westfall, J. E. (2003): A decade of Mercury/Venus transits. Journal of the Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers 45 (1), 16-25.

Sveshnikov, M. L. (2002): Solar-Radius Variations from Transits of Mercury Across the Solar Disk. Astronomy Letters 28 (2), 115-120.

Attwood, J. R. (2000): Observer's Report - The November 15, 19 Transit of Mercury. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 94, 154-156.

Dorst, Friedhelm (1993): Im Schatten des Götterboten. Sterne und Weltraum 1995 (11), 851-852.

Riedler, Martin (1986): Merkurdurchgang am 13.11.1986. Sterne und Weltraum 1987 (2), 106.

Filimon, Erwin (1986): Merkurdurchgang vor der Sonne am 13. November 1986. Sterne und Weltraum 1987 (1), 41.

Protitch-Benishek, V. (1983): Transits of Mercury - Results of Belgrade observations in 1970 and 1973. Astronomische Nachrichten 304 (6), 313-315.

Schroll, A. (1977): Photographic observations of the transit of Mercury on November 10, 1973. Astronomy and Astrophysics 54 (2), 617-618.

Van Helden, A. (1976): The Importance of the Transit of Mercury of 1631. Journal for the History of Astronomy 7, 1-10.

Morrison, L. V. & Ward, C. G. (1975): An analysis of the transits of Mercury - 1677-1973. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 173, 183-206.

Gerharz, R. (1975): Long-period time interval markers from Mercury transits. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 85, 252 - 254.

Wittmann, A. (1974): Numerical Simulation of the Mercury Transit Black Drop Phenomenon. Astronomy and Astrophysics 31, 239-243.

Wittmann, Axel & Wöhl, Hubertus (1974): Der Merkurdurchgang vom 10. November 1973. Sterne und Weltraum 1974 (2), 41-43.

Hill, H. (1974): An "extension6quot; to the transit of Mercury, 1973 November 10. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 84, 279-280.

Maltby, B. (1971): The effect of scattered light on solar intensity observations as derived from 9 May, 1970 Mercury transit. Solar Physics 18 (1), 3-21.

Anonymus (1970): Zum Merkurdurchgang am 9. Mai 1970. Sterne und Weltraum 1970 (7/8), 203-205 .

Malsch, W. (1970): Merkurdurchgang 1970 Mai 9. Nachrichtenblatt der Vereinigung der Sternfreunde e.V. 19 (6), 64.

Porter, J.G. (1970): Transits of Mercury and Venus. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 80, 182-189.

Hyder, C.L. (1969): Transits of Mercury and the Sizes of Small Solar Features. Solar Physics 6 (3), 482-484.

Gerharz, R. (1964): Implements and data from the transit of Mercury on November 7, 1960. Memorie della Società Astronomia Italiana 35, 167-176.

Fitzgerald, A.P. (1953): Transits of Mercury. Irish Astronomical Journal 2(7), 203-209.

Crommelin, A. C. D. (1894): On the recurrence of transits of Mercury. The Observatory 17, 394-397.

Von Müchow, Karl Dietrich (1832): Beobachtung des Mercurdurchganges am 5ten Mai 1832 zu Bonn. Astronomische Nachrichten 10, 183-184.

Artikel zum Merkurtransit 2019

Backhaus, Udo (2019): The transit of Mercury - November 11, 2019. American Journal of Physics 87 (10), 773-774. (Download, pdf 3.0 mb)

Gera, Hans-Dieter (2019): Der Merkurtransit am 11. November 2019. Sternzeit 4/2019, 175-177.

Weigand, Mario (2019a): Den Merkurtransit beobachten und fotografieren. astronomie Das Magazin 5, 12-17.

Weigand, Mario (2019b): Die Sonne einfach projiziert. astronomie Das Magazin 5, 18-19.